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Behind the Science

Behind the Science

What are the ethical limits to science, and where does it mix with our identity as humans?


Key stage 2 science pupils.


These activities provide exciting and interesting ideas for teaching gifted pupils in key stage 2 science.


The bioethics discussion activities look beyond the simple mechanics of biomedical experiments into the ethical issues around animal experimentation and the hot topic of 'designer babies'.

Human robots encourages pupils to explore the steps required for an emulation of human behaviour (in this case, getting out of a room), and use simple ICT to develop behaviours based on pupils' consideration of their own behaviour as humans.

The higher order questions document explores the thinking and reasoning skills developed through the robotic programming activity.


These activities were designed and presented at teacher and student science forums by Dr Deborah White, and Richard Palfrey and Chris Mullarkey from Exscitec.

Dr Deborah White is the content and exhibition manager for the Centre of the Cell, an interactive science centre at Queen Mary, University of London She is a specialist in biomedical exhibitions and has promoted a programme of debates about scientific ethical issues for students.

Exscitec develops and delivers hands-on, problem-solving learning experiences for students across all ages. Exscitec works in partnership with Imperial College and collaborates with local authorities and other institutions in creating customised activities and resources.

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