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REAL Project

REAL Project

Working to improve the quality of gifted and talented education for BME and EAL students


In 2006, the Realising Equality and Achievement for Learners (REAL) Project was set up between London Gifted & Talented, the DCSF, London Challenge, Haringey, Hounslow and Islington LAs and the Black Country Children's Services Improvement Partnership. It is the first national project specifically working to improve the overall quality of gifted and talented education for black and minority ethnic (BME) students and students learning English as an additional language (EAL).

Our approach has been to develop positive models that are based on the premise that all learners are entitled to have their gifts and talents identified, recognised and met through challenging learning opportunities. We are developing a transferable core of ideas, tools, resources and training materials to enable schools and LAs to adopt and adapt interesting practice for their own use.

Online resource

REAL website